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July 29, 2006

「Trust the Man」情報 2006.July

Fox Searchlight Picturesのウェブサイトを見ると、「Trust the Man」のページが単独でできていました(下のURL参照)。これが映画のオフィシャルサイトになるのかしら?
Fox Searchlight Pictures : Trust The Man

同じくFox Searchlight Picturesのウェブサイトに監督バート・フレインドリッチ(ジュリアンのダンナ)のプロフィールも掲載。
Bart Freundlich

Selected Filmography
2006 Trust The Man

Bart Freundlich grew up in Manhattan and graduated from New York University?s Tisch School of the Arts. He wrote and directed an award winning short film A DOG RACE IN ALASKA, starring Sam Waterston and James Waterston, followed by a documentary short, HIRED HANDS. When he was 26 years old Freundlich wrote and directed his first feature length film, THE MYTH OF FINGERPRINTS. The film, starring Julianne Moore, Roy Scheider, Blythe Danner and Noah Wyle, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and went on play at several festivals throughout the world, winning the Audience Award at Deauville in 1997 before it's worldwide release later that year.

Freundlich's second film, WORLD TRAVELER starred Billy Crudup and his now real life partner Julianne Moore. It premiered at the Toronto Film Festival in 2001 before being released the following year by "Thinkfilm" in partnership with "IFC".

For his third feature Freundlich took on "Catch that Kid", a children's film starring Kristen Stewart from PANIC ROOM and Jennifer Beals.

TRUST THE MAN represents a merging of those two worlds. A comedy which boasts a stellar cast, the film is Freundlich's most commercial endeavor to date

なお、「Trust the Man」専用フォーラムスレッドもできていました。

また、バート&映画のダンナ役ディビッド・ドゥカブニーが映画のプロモーション用に共同ブログをやっているらしい。Fox Searchlight Picturesの紹介ページと現在のトップ画像が違いますが、今の「Men In Style」の写真の方が個人的には好み。それにしてもどーみても大量のコメントを書き込んでいるのはDDファンなんだろうなぁ(苦笑)。