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July 29, 2006


トッドヘインズ監督のボブ・ディランをテーマにした映画「I'm Not There」が7/31からモントリオールで撮影開始予定。ジュリアンも出演予定。ひょっとすると撮影風景などがニュースなどで公開されるかもしれませんね。

Todd Haynes takes on Bob Dylan | News | Advocate.com

Todd Haynes takes on Bob Dylan

Todd Haynes's latest film, I'm Not There, will begin principal photography Monday, July 31, and will be shot entirely on location in Montreal. The film is described as a portrait of Bob Dylan, with six actors playing the iconic singer-songwriter at different stages in his life. The different "Dylans" will be portrayed by Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Marcus Carl Franklin, Richard Gere, Heath Ledger, and Ben Whishaw.

Also cast in supporting roles are David Cross, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Bruce Greenwood, Julianne Moore, and Michelle Williams. Out producer Christine Vachon will produce. A lineup of musicians for the soundtrack so far includes Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth, Richie Havens, and the band Calexico. (The Advocate)