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September 22, 2004

出演情報 :「Trust the Man」

David Duchovnyファンサイト系の情報網によると、ジュリアンがダンナのバート・フレインドリッチ監督の次回作「Trust the Man」に出演予定で、共演にDavid Duchovny、Billy Crudup、Lucy Liuというメンバー、撮影は秋から開始予定とのこと。



Actress thrills
Angela Dawson
Entertainment News Wire
Sept. 21, 2004 12:00 AM

HOLLYWOOD - "I love to be scared, I really, really do," confides a giggly Julianne Moore by phone from New York. "It's my favorite kind of thing."
As long as it's only in the movies. The pale redhead has starred in her share of thrillers over the years - "Hannibal," "Psycho" and "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle," to name a few.
Her latest is "The Forgotten," a psychological thriller in which Moore plays a woman mourning the loss of her 9-year-old son, a child people are telling her she never had.
"The Forgotten" was more physically demanding than previous roles for the actress, who has been nominated for an Oscar four times (twice in 2002, for "Far From Heaven" and "The Hours"). Her character does a lot of running and is involved in a couple high-speed car chases. But the physically fit 43-year-old was up for the task. Mostly, though, Moore enjoyed the convenience of filming close to home in New York, where she could enjoy some semblance of a "normal" life with her husband, director Bart Freundlich, and two children, Cal, 6, and Liv, 2.

ENW: Did being a mom help you relate to this character?

Moore: I think so. Every experience you have kind of helps you as an actor. To lose a child is unfathomable. It's probably the most devastating loss anyone could experience. It's something you barely want to entertain. And yet as parents we all think this would be the worst. In a sense, I do have a connection to it because it's everybody's fear.

ENW: You've done a few thrillers before. What's the appeal of this genre?

Moore: Psychological thrillers are most effective when they manage to grab you emotionally at the beginning. And I think this does. You become invested in her and her drama. You question her sanity and her veracity. You really don't know what's going on. It kind of takes you through her whole journey. Once you become invested in a character, the thrills are that much more thrilling and shocking.

ENW: You've played characters questioning their sanity a few times, too.

Moore: Yeah. We all feel that way sometimes. If you have a fight with somebody, you stop and think did I imagine this whole thing? Was I right to get angry? Maybe I'm crazy. It happens to us a lot.

ENW: You do a lot of running in this film. Did you do anything physically to prepare for the role?

Moore: Not really. I run a lot anyway. I enjoy doing all that physical stuff in the film. I didn't have that much time to work out because I'm so busy with the movie and my kids. In a sense, I really enjoyed getting a chance to run all the time.

ENW: Did you bring your kids with you to the set?

Moore: Yeah. We shot it here in New York where I live. They would come, especially when we were shooting outside, and hang around and have lunch. My son was in school part of the time so he was busy with that and less interested in coming. It was like having a real job, being able to leave the house in the morning and come home at night. You feel like you're not working because you're at home (at night).

ENW: This movie is pretty scary. Did you have to explain to Cal what you were doing?

Moore: He won't be allowed to see it. He didn't care. He's 6. They have no interest. As with most families, the children have absolutely no interest in what their parents do for a living. That's how it should be. He knows I'm an actor, but he doesn't want to see my movies. They're for grownups anyway, not for kids. He just wants me to be around.

ENW: Do you think you'll eventually do a movie for kids?

Moore: I would love to. I say that all the time to my agents - I would love to do a great kids' film. That would be really, really nice.

ENW: You have a beautiful and rather provocative pictorial in the September issue of W magazine.

Moore: Thank you. It's one of those things that came out of conversation with people at W. We were talking at a party and I said, "Whenever you do these cover stories you do an interview and a picture." I said, "There's no story. I don't have a story. I live in New York. I have two kids. I'm married. It's so boring. Maybe we can do something else." They called me back and said, "We want to do this thing with narrative photography where basically you are shot in these (fictional) stories by three different photographers - their idea of a mini-movie." I said fine and we did it in like five days. It was great. It was Mario Sorrenti, Michael Thompson and Michel Gondry. It was a lot of fun to do.

ENW: Do you have a favorite photo from the spread?

Moore: I like myself as a blonde a lot. (She laughs.) Maybe the one with me kneeling and the mirrors.

ENW: The nudity wasn't an issue?

Moore: No. It's pretty tame. You don't see very much at all. (Thompson), the man who shot (the nude photo) is my yoga teacher's husband. I've shot with him a lot so I was very comfortable. I knew he wasn't going to do anything that would be revealing in the least. I've had two kids so what the hell?

ENW: You're doing a public service campaign for children's art education. Can you talk about it?

Moore: It's just a little thing I did with Montblanc. I posed for a picture and they donate $1 million to the National Arts Education Initiative, part of the Entertainment Industry Foundation.

ENW: What other philanthropic activities are you involved in?

Moore: I work with a group, the Tubular Sclerosis Alliance, through a family I've gotten to know. Tubular sclerosis is a disease that is more prevalent than people think. It causes the body to grow these benign tumors in vital organs so people who suffer from it often have a lot of seizures and various disorders. It's not as rare as people think. So we're desperately trying to get funding for it right now.

ENW: As a mom, actress and activist, how do you juggle things?

Moore: My son started first grade this morning. My call (to promote the movie) was at 8:30, and I told them I couldn't make that time, but I could be there at 9:30. I spoke to my hair and makeup people and asked if they could do me really fast. They said, of course. So I dropped my son off then ran up here in time. It's basically what every other mom does. On Wednesday, when my daughter starts preschool, I told them I won't be able to do anything that morning. You do your best. You schedule things around your family and take things one day at a time.

ENW: What are you working on now?

Moore: I'm just finishing up a movie called "The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio." It's about a mother of 10 who writes jingles and sells them in contests to support her kids.

ENW: Is it a comedy or a drama?

Moore: A little of both. There are some funny moments in it. It's based on a true story.

ENW: You were funny in "Laws of Attraction" with Pierce Brosnan. Do you plan to do more romantic comedies?

Moore: I hope so. It's nice to do movies about people that are falling in love. I wouldn't mind doing one of those again.

ENW: What else do you have lined up? Moore: My husband just got financing for his movie called "Trust the Man." We're shooting that here in New York in late fall. That's the next thing I'm going to do.

ENW: You'll be in it?

Moore: Yes. David Duchovny plays my husband. Billy Crudup plays my brother and Lucy Liu is his girlfriend.

ENW: Is it a comedy?

Moore: Yes. I'm looking forward to it.

ENW: What else is in the works?

Moore: "Savage Grace" with John Malkovich. We're supposed to start shooting next spring.

ENW: Have you worked with John before?

Moore: No. But I met him a couple of times. He's great.

ENW: Is there something else you're looking to do?

Moore: I don't know. I'm taking it one movie at a time. We're going to be moving into a new house this fall so that's preoccupying all my time.



