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June 4, 2006

Julianne and Helena keeping mum in NYC

最近のジュリアン。「Children of Men」の撮影が終わってNYで長男ケイレブ君と一緒にいるところをパパラッチされた模様。現在ファンサイトの1つ「Wanting Moore」さんがサイトをハッキングされて未だに復帰出来ないようなので一応掲載しておきますが、ジュリアン自身は子育てする上でこういうパパラッチが一番嫌いだそうですね。
ある日リブちゃんにアイスクリームを食べさせている時に写真を撮られて「そこまで。やめなさい!(That's it! STOP!!)」とパパラッチに叫んだら、リブちゃんが「え?これ以上食べちゃダメなの?」と聞き返したという話を以前ジュリアンがインタビューで話していましたが、有名人であるが故、こんな場面でも注目を集めてしまうってのは大変ですよね。

Julianne and Helena keeping mum in NYC
30 MAY 2006

Looking after young children can be stressful work at times, but celebrity mums Julianne Moore and Helena Christensen were both keeping their cool when they were spotted out and about in New York this week.

The two A-listers were wearing floaty white summer clothes as they enjoyed the warm temperatures currently enveloping Manhattan. Julianne, walking hand-in-hand with her eight-year-old son Cal, was also accompanied by husband Bart Freundlich and their little girl Liz when she was snapped strolling through the streets near their Greenwich Village home.

While the actress is well-known for her commitment to her own children, she also does all she can to help youngsters who may have fallen into dangerous situations. Just last week she travelled across the country to Los Angeles to help a new initiative aimed at tracking down missing kids.

And ironically enough, the performer has also just finished work on a new sci-fi thriller about a futuristic world where men are no longer able to procreate. Children Of Men, which is due to hit cinema screens later this year, sees her teaming up with British stars Clive Owen and Sir Michael Caine.

Helena, meanwhile, has been enjoying some quality time with her little boy Mingus. The handsome six-year-old, who seems to have inherited his actor father Norman Reedus' blonde locks, was sporting a bright yellow T-shirt with cartoon dinosaurs emblazoned across the front as he soaked up the sights and sounds of the Big Apple.

Julianne takes a leisurely stroll through the streets of Manhattan with her son Cal. The actress, who has recently finished work on Children Of Men, is well-known for her commitment to her two kids Photo: © Rex
